KUWAIT: The Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI) is introducing new regulations to streamline the process of renting and vacating commercial and investment properties. This initiative aims to improve the management of addresses on civil cards through a newly designed mechanism.

Electronic lease contracts and address verification

Mansour Al-Mazen, the acting director of PACI, announced that the authority is working to enhance service efficiency by providing 70% of its services electronically. PACI is set to launch a new platform early next year for the electronic signing of lease contracts for commercial and investment buildings. This digital system will allow landlords and tenants to finalize agreements online, which will be the only valid method for address verification. Paper contracts will be phased out except in exceptional cases.

Mandatory electronic contracts and reporting

Al-Mazen emphasized that while paper lease contracts may still be signed, tenants will only be able to verify their residence with PACI through the electronic contract issued via the new platform. Additionally, landlords will be required to report any changes in tenancy through the platform.

Updates on Gulf nationals and card issuance

PACI is also tightening regulations for issuing civil cards to Gulf nationals. The authority is considering introducing a temporary “Certificate for Whom It May Concern” valid for three months to facilitate transactions until a permanent civil card can be issued. This will be contingent upon proof of employment and income.

Fee increases and service enhancements

Al-Muthanna, another PACI official, revealed plans to raise fees for issuing, renewing, or replacing lost civil cards, and increase charges for services provided to the private sector. These measures are part of broader efforts to address delays and manage the backlog of card deliveries. A new plan includes imposing a 20-dinar fine for individuals who do not collect their cards promptly and contracting additional companies to improve distribution efficiency.

Card delivery and maintenance

Addressing concerns about card delivery on weekends and holidays, Al-Muthanna explained that this is not feasible due to the extensive mechanical maintenance required for the card delivery devices, which are serviced weekly.

Address reporting requirements

Under the Civil Information Authority Law, individuals must report their new address when changing residence. If a previous resident is removed, PACI will update the address records, notify the individual via the “My Identity” and “Sahel” applications, and publish the change in the Kuwait Al-Youm Official Gazette (Kuwait Today). Without address modification, transactions in the “My Identity” application will be restricted.

New address registration and documentation

Citizens can register a new address through the Sahel application or by visiting PACI. For investment housing contracts, proof of residence is required via the lease contract, the property document, or an electricity bill in the tenant’s name. Additionally, acknowledgments from both the tenant and the property owner are necessary if the lease is in the name of a third party.

This comprehensive approach aims to ensure accurate and efficient management of residential addresses and improve overall service delivery.